
Type in the required search terms below and click "Search". Click the search result image to view more detail about the result.

*Other Info includes duet partners, backing groups,
featured performers in bands, broadcast dates.

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Regular performer

Hullabaloo (UK)

Cyril Davies

The Cyril Davies Rhythm and Blues All Stars

Regular performer

Hullabaloo (UK)

Cyril Davies

TV seriesUKB&WEntry id = 19023
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Host and performer

The Judy Garland Show

Judy Garland

TV seriesUSAB&WEntry id = 2742
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Regular performer

Hullabaloo (UK)

Long John Baldry

Long John Baldry and the Velvettes

Regular performer

Hullabaloo (UK)

Long John Baldry

TV seriesUKB&WEntry id = 19024
Result image

Regular performer

Hullabaloo (UK)

Rory McEwen

TV seriesUKB&WEntry id = 19659
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Regular performers

Sing Along With Mitch Miller

The Quinto Sisters

TV seriesUSAB&W/ColourEntry id = 28478