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*Other Info includes duet partners, backing groups,
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Don't Worry*, Today I Started Loving You Again*, She Thinks I Still Care*, I Talk To Myself About You, Lovesick Blues, My Woman My Woman My Wife, Begging To You

The Ralph Emery Special

Marty Robbins

First broadcast October 1970. *With Merle Haggard

Don't Worry*, Today I Started Loving You Again*, She Thinks I Still Care*, I Talk To Myself About You, Lovesick Blues, My Woman My Woman My Wife, Begging To You

The Ralph Emery Special

Marty Robbins

TV showUSAColourLive performanceEntry id = 28013
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Jackson/ Orange Blossom Special, Devil Woman, Okie from Muskogee, Don't Worry*, Today I Started Loving You Again*, She Thinks I Still Care*

The Ralph Emery Special

Merle Haggard

First broadcast October 1970. *With Marty Robbins. Includes impressions of Johnny Cash and Marty Robbins

Jackson/ Orange Blossom Special, Devil Woman, Okie from Muskogee, Don't Worry*, Today I Started Loving You Again*, She Thinks I Still Care*

The Ralph Emery Special

Merle Haggard

TV showUSAColourLive performanceEntry id = 28012