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*Other Info includes duet partners, backing groups,
featured performers in bands, broadcast dates.

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One Day When We Were Young, Tales From The Vienna Woods

The Great Waltz

Fernand Gravey


One Day When We Were Young, Tales From The Vienna Woods

The Great Waltz

Fernand Gravey

FilmUSAB&WMimedEntry id = 1308
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Du Und Du (Only You)

The Great Waltz

George Houston

FilmUSAB&WMimedEntry id = 9900
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Tales From The Vienna Woods,There'll Come A Time, One Day When We Were Young, Du Und Du (Only You), Die Fledermaus (The Bat) excerpts

The Great Waltz

Miliza Korjus


Tales From The Vienna Woods,There'll Come A Time, One Day When We Were Young, Du Und Du (Only You), Die Fledermaus (The Bat) excerpts

The Great Waltz

Miliza Korjus

FilmUSAB&WMimedEntry id = 1309