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Includes - In France They Kiss On Main Street, Edith And The King Pin, Coyote, Free Man In Paris, Goodbye Pork Pie Hat, Amelia, Pat's Solo, Hejira, Black Crow, Furry Sings The Blues, Raised On Robbery, Why Do Fools Fall In Love, Shadows And Light

Shadows And Light

Joni Mitchell

With Jaco Pastorius, Pat Metheny, Lyle Mays, Don Alias, Michael Brecker.

Includes - In France They Kiss On Main Street, Edith And The King Pin, Coyote, Free Man In Paris, Goodbye Pork Pie Hat, Amelia, Pat's Solo, Hejira, Black Crow, Furry Sings The Blues, Raised On Robbery, Why Do Fools Fall In Love, Shadows And Light

Shadows And Light

Joni Mitchell

Concert filmUSAColourLive performanceEntry id = 5908