
Type in the required search terms below and click "Search". Click the search result image to view more detail about the result.

*Other Info includes duet partners, backing groups,
featured performers in bands, broadcast dates.

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In A Little While

Once Upon A Mattress

Bernadette Peters

TV production of 1959 Broadway stage show. First broadcast December 12, 1972

In A Little While

Once Upon A Mattress

Bernadette Peters

TV showUSAColourLive performanceEntry id = 27500
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Once Upon A Mattress

Bill Hayes

TV production of 1959 Broadway stage show, first broadcast June 3, 1964


Once Upon A Mattress

Bill Hayes

TV showUSAB&WLive performanceEntry id = 27482
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Shy, The Swamps Of Home

Once Upon A Mattress

Carol Burnett

TV production of 1959 Broadway stage show, first broadcast June 3, 1964

Shy, The Swamps Of Home

Once Upon A Mattress

Carol Burnett

TV showUSAB&WLive performanceEntry id = 27483
Result image

Opening, Shy, The Swamps Of Home, Happily Ever After

Once Upon A Mattress

Carol Burnett

TV production of 1959 Broadway stage show. First broadcast December 12, 1972

Opening, Shy, The Swamps Of Home, Happily Ever After

Once Upon A Mattress

Carol Burnett

TV showUSAColourLive performanceEntry id = 27497
Result image

Very Soft Shoes

Once Upon A Mattress

Elliott Gould

TV production of 1959 Broadway stage show, first broadcast June 3, 1964

Very Soft Shoes

Once Upon A Mattress

Elliott Gould

TV showUSAB&WLive performanceEntry id = 27484
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Once Upon A Mattress

Jack Fletcher

TV production of 1959 Broadway stage show, first broadcast June 3, 1964


Once Upon A Mattress

Jack Fletcher

TV showUSAB&WLive performanceEntry id = 27485
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Once Upon A Mattress

Jane White

TV production of 1959 Broadway stage show, first broadcast June 3, 1964


Once Upon A Mattress

Jane White

TV showUSAB&WLive performanceEntry id = 27486
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Once Upon A Mattress

Jane White

TV production of 1959 Broadway stage show. First broadcast December 12, 1972


Once Upon A Mattress

Jane White

TV showUSAColourLive performanceEntry id = 27498
Result image

Song Of Love, Man-To-Man Talk

Once Upon A Mattress

Joseph Bova

TV production of 1959 Broadway stage show, first broadcast June 3, 1964

Song Of Love, Man-To-Man Talk

Once Upon A Mattress

Joseph Bova

TV showUSAB&WLive performanceEntry id = 27487
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Song Of Love, Man-To-Man Talk

Once Upon A Mattress

Ken Berry

TV production of 1959 Broadway stage show. First broadcast December 12, 1972

Song Of Love, Man-To-Man Talk

Once Upon A Mattress

Ken Berry

TV showUSAColourLive performanceEntry id = 27499
Result image

In A Little While

Once Upon A Mattress

Ron Husmann

TV production of 1959 Broadway stage show. First broadcast December 12, 1972

In A Little While

Once Upon A Mattress

Ron Husmann

TV showUSAColourLive performanceEntry id = 27496
Result image


Once Upon A Mattress

Shani Wallis

TV production of 1959 Broadway stage show, first broadcast June 3, 1964


Once Upon A Mattress

Shani Wallis

TV showUSAB&WLive performanceEntry id = 27488