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*Other Info includes duet partners, backing groups,
featured performers in bands, broadcast dates.

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My Cup Runneth Over

The Ed Sullivan Show

Ed Ames

First broadcast September 24, 1967

My Cup Runneth Over

The Ed Sullivan Show

Ed Ames

TV showUSAColourLive performanceEntry id = 18965
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If I Had A Hammer

The Ed Sullivan Show

Ed Ames

First broadcast March 16, 1969

If I Had A Hammer

The Ed Sullivan Show

Ed Ames

TV showUSAColourLive performanceEntry id = 23075
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The Windmills Of Your Mind

The Ed Sullivan Show

Ed Ames

First broadcast May 11, 1969

The Windmills Of Your Mind

The Ed Sullivan Show

Ed Ames

TV showUSAColourLive performanceEntry id = 23144
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The Windmills Of Your Mind, Love Of The Common People*

The Johnny Cash Show

Ed Ames

First broadcast July 19, 1969. *With Johnny Cash

The Windmills Of Your Mind, Love Of The Common People*

The Johnny Cash Show

Ed Ames

TV showUSAColourLive performanceEntry id = 10144
Result image

A Thing Called Love, Try To Remember*

Jimmy Durante Presents The Lennon Sisters Hour

Ed Ames

First broadcast January 16, 1970. *With The Lennon Sisters

A Thing Called Love, Try To Remember*

Jimmy Durante Presents The Lennon Sisters Hour

Ed Ames

TV showUSAColourLive performanceEntry id = 17854