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*Other Info includes duet partners, backing groups,
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I'd Like To Kick The Shit Outta You

Concert (USA)

David Allan Coe

Filmed summer 1975. Broadcast on UK TV documentary series, All You Need Is Love, April 1977

I'd Like To Kick The Shit Outta You

Concert (USA)

David Allan Coe

Concert filmUSAColourLive performanceEntry id = 24766
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I Still Sing The Old Songs, Keep On Trucking*, Penitentiary Blues* River*, Thank You Jesus*

Heartworn Highways

David Allan Coe

Film + DVD extras. *Filmed at Tennessee State Penitentiary concert

I Still Sing The Old Songs, Keep On Trucking*, Penitentiary Blues* River*, Thank You Jesus*

Heartworn Highways

David Allan Coe

FilmUSAColourLive performanceEntry id = 6721