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*Other Info includes duet partners, backing groups,
featured performers in bands, broadcast dates.

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Kiss Of The Muse

Down To Earth

Adele Jergens

Voice dubbed by Kay Starr

Kiss Of The Muse

Down To Earth

Adele Jergens

FilmUSAColourMimedEntry id = 21531
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I'm So Crazy For You

Ladies Of The Chorus

Adele Jergens

Voice dubbed by Virginia Rees

I'm So Crazy For You

Ladies Of The Chorus

Adele Jergens

FilmUSAB&WMimedEntry id = 21296
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Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho, Better Be Lookin' Out For Love

Blues Busters

Adele Jergens

Voice dubbed by Gloria Wood

Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho, Better Be Lookin' Out For Love

Blues Busters

Adele Jergens

FilmUSAB&WMimedEntry id = 17265