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*Other Info includes duet partners, backing groups,
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Once A Jolly Swagman, Look Don't Touch, I Remember You, I've Got A Hole In My Pocket, I'll Never Feel This Way Again, Cry Wolf, Wild Rover, Make It Soon, Botany Bay, Lovin' On My Mind, I Guess, Waltzing Matilda

Up Jumped A Swagman

Frank Ifield


Once A Jolly Swagman, Look Don't Touch, I Remember You, I've Got A Hole In My Pocket, I'll Never Feel This Way Again, Cry Wolf, Wild Rover, Make It Soon, Botany Bay, Lovin' On My Mind, I Guess, Waltzing Matilda

Up Jumped A Swagman

Frank Ifield

FilmUKColourMimedEntry id = 15004