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*Other Info includes duet partners, backing groups,
featured performers in bands, broadcast dates.

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Twistin' U. S. A., Your Lips And Mine, Twist Along

Twist Around The Clock

Chubby Checker


Twistin' U. S. A., Your Lips And Mine, Twist Along

Twist Around The Clock

Chubby Checker

FilmUSAB&WMimedEntry id = 1782
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Twist Around The Clock, Here There Everywhere, The Twist Is Here To Stay, Don't Twist With Anyone Else But Me,

Twist Around The Clock

Clay Cole


Twist Around The Clock, Here There Everywhere, The Twist Is Here To Stay, Don't Twist With Anyone Else But Me,

Twist Around The Clock

Clay Cole

FilmUSAB&WMimedEntry id = 1784
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The Wanderer, Runaround Sue, The Majestic

Twist Around The Clock



The Wanderer, Runaround Sue, The Majestic

Twist Around The Clock


FilmUSAB&WMimedEntry id = 1780
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Merry Twist-mas

Twist Around The Clock

The Marcels

FilmUSAB&WMimedEntry id = 1781
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Too Many Kisses, He's So Sweet

Twist Around The Clock

Vicki Spencer


Too Many Kisses, He's So Sweet

Twist Around The Clock

Vicki Spencer

FilmUSAB&WMimedEntry id = 1783