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*Other Info includes duet partners, backing groups,
featured performers in bands, broadcast dates.

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Host and performer

The George Gobel Show

George Gobel

TV seriesUSAB&WEntry id = 27150
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Regular performer

The George Gobel Show

Peggy King

TV seriesUSAB&WEntry id = 27151
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A-Sleepin’ At The Foot Of The Bed

The George Gobel Show

Tennessee Ernie Ford

First broadcast March 14, 1957

A-Sleepin’ At The Foot Of The Bed

The George Gobel Show

Tennessee Ernie Ford

TV showUSAB&WLive performanceEntry id = 27152
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Down By The Riverside

The George Gobel Show

The Modernaires

First broadcast May 8, 1960

Down By The Riverside

The George Gobel Show

The Modernaires

TV showUSAB&WLive performanceEntry id = 27320