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*Other Info includes duet partners, backing groups,
featured performers in bands, broadcast dates.

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Kissin' Cousins, Smokey Mountain Boy, There's Gold In The Mountains, One Boy Two Little Girls, Catchin' On Fast, Tender Feeling, Barefoot Ballad, Once Is Enough

Kissin' Cousins

Elvis Presley


Kissin' Cousins, Smokey Mountain Boy, There's Gold In The Mountains, One Boy Two Little Girls, Catchin' On Fast, Tender Feeling, Barefoot Ballad, Once Is Enough

Kissin' Cousins

Elvis Presley

FilmUSAColourMimedEntry id = 27527
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Pappy Won't You Please Come Home

Kissin' Cousins

Glenda Farrell


Pappy Won't You Please Come Home

Kissin' Cousins

Glenda Farrell

FilmUSAColourMimedEntry id = 27528