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Big Barn Bed, Blackbird Medley, Mary Had A Little Lamb, Little Woman Love, C Moon, My Love, Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey, Gotta Sing Gotta Dance, The Mess, Maybe I'm Amazed, Long Tall Sally, Another Day, Yesterday

James Paul McCartney

Paul McCartney

TV special, first broadcast April 16, 1973. Paul McCartney and Wings

Big Barn Bed, Blackbird Medley, Mary Had A Little Lamb, Little Woman Love, C Moon, My Love, Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey, Gotta Sing Gotta Dance, The Mess, Maybe I'm Amazed, Long Tall Sally, Another Day, Yesterday

James Paul McCartney

Paul McCartney

TV showUKColourLive performance / MimedEntry id = 22815