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*Other Info includes duet partners, backing groups,
featured performers in bands, broadcast dates.

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Mr Tambourine Man, One Too Many Mornings, Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues

Concert (Liverpool)

Bob Dylan

Liverpool concert May 1, 1966. Featured in the film No Direction Home

Mr Tambourine Man, One Too Many Mornings, Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues

Concert (Liverpool)

Bob Dylan

Concert filmUKColourLive performanceEntry id = 1450
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(I Don't Want To Go To) Chelsea, No Dancing

Concert (Liverpool)

Elvis Costello

Eric's, Liverpool, September 1977. Broadcast on So It Goes, October/November 1977

(I Don't Want To Go To) Chelsea, No Dancing

Concert (Liverpool)

Elvis Costello

Concert filmUKColourLive performanceEntry id = 12624
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Concert (Liverpool)

Group One

Featured in TV Documentary, The Mersey Sound


Concert (Liverpool)

Group One

Concert filmUKB&WLive performanceEntry id = 11556
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Endless Sleep, I Knew The Bride*

Concert (Liverpool)

Nick Lowe

Eric's, Liverpool, September 1977. Broadcast on So It Goes, October 1977. *Rockpile

Endless Sleep, I Knew The Bride*

Concert (Liverpool)

Nick Lowe

Concert filmUKColourLive performanceEntry id = 24571
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(Do the) Mashed Potatoes

Concert (Liverpool)

The Undertakers

The Iron Door, Liverpool. Featured in TV Documentary, The Mersey Sound. Jackie Lomax - lead vocal

(Do the) Mashed Potatoes

Concert (Liverpool)

The Undertakers

Concert filmUKB&WLive performanceEntry id = 11555