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Blue Birdland, Take The A Train, Gellars Cellar, Watermelon Man, Somewhere,The Fox Hunt, Italian Suite, Got The Spirit, Go East Young Man

Concert (Vienna)

Maynard Ferguson

Vienna Concert Hall, November 29, 1969. The Maynard Ferguson Orchestra

Blue Birdland, Take The A Train, Gellars Cellar, Watermelon Man, Somewhere,The Fox Hunt, Italian Suite, Got The Spirit, Go East Young Man

Concert (Vienna)

Maynard Ferguson

Concert filmAustriaB&WLive performanceEntry id = 28314
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Turnaroundphrase, Tune in 5, Ife, Right Off, Funk [Prelude Part 1], Calypso Frelimo

Concert (Vienna)

Miles Davis

Vienna Stadthalle, November 3, 1973. Miles Davis - trumpet, organ, Dave Liebman - saxophone, flute, Pete Cosey - guitar, Reggie Lucas -guitar, Michael Henderson - bass, Al Foster - drums, James Mtume Forman - percussion

Turnaroundphrase, Tune in 5, Ife, Right Off, Funk [Prelude Part 1], Calypso Frelimo

Concert (Vienna)

Miles Davis

Concert filmAustriaColourLive performanceEntry id = 10733
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Secret Agent, Going To My Hometown, Out On The Western Plain, Calling Card, I Wonder Who

Concert (Vienna)

Rory Gallagher


Secret Agent, Going To My Hometown, Out On The Western Plain, Calling Card, I Wonder Who

Concert (Vienna)

Rory Gallagher

Concert filmAustriaB&WLive performanceEntry id = 17835