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I'd Rather Go Blind, Angel, Sweet Little Rock 'n' Roller*, You Could Make Me Dance Sing Or Anything, It's All Over Now, Take A Look At The Guy, Bring It On Home To Me, You Send Me,I Can Feel Your Fire, Twistin' The Night Away, You Wear It Well, Maggie May

Concert (Kilburn)

The Faces

Final concert, Kilburn State Theatre, London, December 23, 1974. *With Keith Richards

I'd Rather Go Blind, Angel, Sweet Little Rock 'n' Roller*, You Could Make Me Dance Sing Or Anything, It's All Over Now, Take A Look At The Guy, Bring It On Home To Me, You Send Me,I Can Feel Your Fire, Twistin' The Night Away, You Wear It Well, Maggie May

Concert (Kilburn)

The Faces

Concert filmUKColourLive performanceEntry id = 6938