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When It Comes To Love, (Me And My Baby Say) We're Going To Rock Tonight, Thanks To You, Won't You Give Me A Chance

Rock Rock Rock!

Teddy Randazzo

Teddy Randazzo and The Chuckles

When It Comes To Love, (Me And My Baby Say) We're Going To Rock Tonight, Thanks To You, Won't You Give Me A Chance

Rock Rock Rock!

Teddy Randazzo

FilmUSAB&WMimedEntry id = 2279
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I Was The Last One To Know, I'll Stop Anything I'm Doing, Kiddio, Perfect For Love, Rocky's Love Song, It's Simply Heavenly

Mister Rock And Roll

Teddy Randazzo


I Was The Last One To Know, I'll Stop Anything I'm Doing, Kiddio, Perfect For Love, Rocky's Love Song, It's Simply Heavenly

Mister Rock And Roll

Teddy Randazzo

FilmUSAB&WMimedEntry id = 8616