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*Other Info includes duet partners, backing groups,
featured performers in bands, broadcast dates.

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I Shoulda Loved Ya

Soul Train

Narada Michael Walden

First broadcast March 1, 1980

I Shoulda Loved Ya

Soul Train

Narada Michael Walden

TV showUSAColourMimedEntry id = 15083
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Instrumental, You're Soo Good, I Don't Want Nobody Else (To Dance With You), Tonight I'm Alright, I Shoulda Loved Ya

Concert (Passaic)

Narada Michael Walden

Capitol Theatre, Passaic, New Jersey, April 25, 1980

Instrumental, You're Soo Good, I Don't Want Nobody Else (To Dance With You), Tonight I'm Alright, I Shoulda Loved Ya

Concert (Passaic)

Narada Michael Walden

Concert filmUSAB&WLive performanceEntry id = 14565
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The Real Thang

Solid Gold

Narada Michael Walden

First broadcast November/December 1980

The Real Thang

Solid Gold

Narada Michael Walden

TV showUSAColourMimedEntry id = 27435