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*Other Info includes duet partners, backing groups,
featured performers in bands, broadcast dates.

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Like The Fella Once Said

You'll Find Out

Kay Kyser

Kay Kyser Band with vocals by Sully Mason, Harry Babbitt, Ginny Simms, M.A. Bogue, Kay Kyser and others.

Like The Fella Once Said

You'll Find Out

Kay Kyser

FilmUSAB&WMimedEntry id = 1749
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A Rookie And His Rhythm

Stage Door Canteen

Kay Kyser

Kay Kyser Band with vocals by Sully Mason, Harry Babbitt, Julie Conway, Trudy Erwin, Jack Martin and Max Williams

A Rookie And His Rhythm

Stage Door Canteen

Kay Kyser

FilmUSAB&WMimedEntry id = 3662