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*Other Info includes duet partners, backing groups,
featured performers in bands, broadcast dates.

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Scat Songs Medley

The Edie Adams Show

Jon Hendricks

First broadcast November 21, 1963. Count Basie and his Band. With Edie Adams, Don Chastain, Count Basie and his Band

Scat Songs Medley

The Edie Adams Show

Jon Hendricks

TV showUSAB&WLive performanceEntry id = 14877
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Gimme That Wine, Got The Spirit

The World Of Maynard Ferguson

Jon Hendricks

TV special, first broadcast August 23, 1970. With the Maynard Ferguson Orchestra

Gimme That Wine, Got The Spirit

The World Of Maynard Ferguson

Jon Hendricks

TV showUKColourLive performanceEntry id = 28308
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Ella Tribute Song (Flying Home)

Kennedy Centre Honors 1979

Jon Hendricks

Kennedy Centre, Washington D.C., December 2, 1979. Gala performance honouring Ella Fitzgerald. With Peggy Lee, Joe Williams

Ella Tribute Song (Flying Home)

Kennedy Centre Honors 1979

Jon Hendricks

Concert filmUSAColourLive performanceEntry id = 16552