
Type in the required search terms below and click "Search". Click the search result image to view more detail about the result.

*Other Info includes duet partners, backing groups,
featured performers in bands, broadcast dates.

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These Dangerous Years, Cold Cold Shower

These Dangerous Years

Frankie Vaughan


These Dangerous Years, Cold Cold Shower

These Dangerous Years

Frankie Vaughan

FilmUKB&WMimedEntry id = 21230
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Wonderful Things, Little Fishes

Wonderful Things!

Frankie Vaughan


Wonderful Things, Little Fishes

Wonderful Things!

Frankie Vaughan

FilmUKB&WMimedEntry id = 25519
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The Lady Is a Square, Love Is The Sweetest Thing, Honey Bunny Baby, That's My Doll, Handel's Largo

The Lady Is A Square

Frankie Vaughan


The Lady Is a Square, Love Is The Sweetest Thing, Honey Bunny Baby, That's My Doll, Handel's Largo

The Lady Is A Square

Frankie Vaughan

FilmUKB&WMimedEntry id = 20334
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The Heart Of A Man, Sometime Somewhere, Walking Tall, My Boy Flat Top

The Heart Of A Man

Frankie Vaughan


The Heart Of A Man, Sometime Somewhere, Walking Tall, My Boy Flat Top

The Heart Of A Man

Frankie Vaughan

FilmUKB&WMimedEntry id = 25520
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Hey You With The Crazy Eyes, Incurably Romantic, Give Me A Song That Sells, Specialization

Let's Make Love

Frankie Vaughan


Hey You With The Crazy Eyes, Incurably Romantic, Give Me A Song That Sells, Specialization

Let's Make Love

Frankie Vaughan

FilmUSAColourMimedEntry id = 1666
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Tower Of Strength, Give Me The Moonlight

Royal Variety Performance 1961

Frankie Vaughan

Prince Of Wales Theatre, London, November 6, 1961

Tower Of Strength, Give Me The Moonlight

Royal Variety Performance 1961

Frankie Vaughan

Concert filmUKB&WLive performanceEntry id = 18881
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Give Me The Moonlight, Wouldn't You Like It, Alley-Alley-O, The Trouble With Man, Gonna Be A Good Boy Now, It's All Over Town

It's All Over Town

Frankie Vaughan


Give Me The Moonlight, Wouldn't You Like It, Alley-Alley-O, The Trouble With Man, Gonna Be A Good Boy Now, It's All Over Town

It's All Over Town

Frankie Vaughan

FilmUKColourMimedEntry id = 19931
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Side By Side

The New London Palladium Show

Frankie Vaughan

First broadcast September 26, 1965. With Jimmy Tarbuck.

Side By Side

The New London Palladium Show

Frankie Vaughan

TV showUKB&WLive performanceEntry id = 1316
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The Morecambe And Wise Show

Frankie Vaughan

Christmas Special 1969. First broadcast December 25 1969


The Morecambe And Wise Show

Frankie Vaughan

TV showUKColourLive performanceEntry id = 8981
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Close Your Eyes, Cabaret

The Morecambe And Wise Show

Frankie Vaughan

First broadcast January 14, 1976

Close Your Eyes, Cabaret

The Morecambe And Wise Show

Frankie Vaughan

TV showUKColourLive performanceEntry id = 9032